About me

Temir Umurzakov

  • Live in Kyrgyzstan (republic of former USSR)
  • Was born at 1985
  • Teamlead
  • Fullstack software developer
    • PHP: PHP8, CakePHP, Symfony 5, Codeception
    • Frontend JavaScript: AngularJS, webpack
    • CSS: Yandex BEM framework
    • Golang: wrote several high load utilities for stat collecting in netflow, ipcad and pure udp protocols, some k8s microservices
    • Python: ML, Pandas, trading bot
    • Java: Spring boot applications for camunda project
  • DevOps engineer
    • Bare metal kubernetes on dozen servers
    • Using linstor as distributes storage
    • Gitlab CI/CD with kubernetes integration
    • Organization of full development process with gitlab and kubernete
    • Managing inftrastructure as a code (IaaC) with git, ansible and docker
  • Methodologies
    • SCRUM
    • IaaC